Monday, January 6, 2014

The One Where I Don't Push It (or push it real good)

Saturday was the first race of the year!  It was dreary and cold.  I didn't want to go, but I laid my flat mama out anyway.

I text my friend - made sure we were still on. Went to bed.  But not to sleep.

My sister was texting with me, I finally had to tell her I needed to sleep I had to be up early for the race.  Yea, it's just a 5K but still I needed to sleep.   I've been up late quite a bit over Winter Break.

I got up on time.  I got dressed.  I  made coffee and breakfast.  I picked up Holly.  I needed to be there a bit early because I forgot to register!  Yea, I'm that girl.  The one who knows I need to register and then don't thinking I'll have plenty of time.

We got parked, walked to Winfrey Point and made it there just in time for me to register.  I got my chip anyway, they ran out of bibs.  Holly and I tried to stay warm while looking for other friends.  I saw Mimi and Clay. 

I knew Shannon was coming but I hadn't found her yet. 

It was race time so we  headed to the start.  And we're off!  I felt good.  I was happy the wind wasn't whipping off the lake.  We were sort of sheltered from it.  I've been at races where there was a significant lake effect.

I made it to the one mile mark and decided to unwrap my hand from the jacket, glove, long sleeve situation to look at my garmin.  I was running comfortably with a bit of a push.  10.06! Wow.  That didn't seem possible. 

I kept going.  Saw a few runners I knew at the turn around.  I slowed down at the water stop, took a few sips and kept going.  Not much longer now. I see the familiar bend in the path and know I'm not too far out. Maybe a half a mile.  I picked up the pace a bit, but not really pushing it.  I didn't want to sprint it out.  Just see what a comfortable pace is.  Without the obsessing I've done in the past.   I wasn't out to PR.  Just trust the process of not obsessing on times and paces and foot counts.  Just running.

I see the finish and I'm see that I can make my goal for the run, under 33 minutes!  I looked at the clock as I crossed 33.03!  Gun time! Yay!!

I turn my Garmin off (32:47:51)  I found Shannon and waited for Holly.  She came in a minute after me.  We got some water, walked off the race, went to the club house for some snacks and walked back to the car.

Then Hypnotic Donuts!  You can't go to White Rock and not go there!  Yum!!  A little post race goody.  Although I know it's not good for me and it's way more calories than I need.  It's only once a month.  And I've committed this year to not obsess over the numbers.

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