Tuesday, November 5, 2013

#shereadstruth Day 18 Where is your treasure?

When I read this it reminded me of Idol Worship.  I heard a great sermon on this tis year, these are my notes on No Other Gods.

God starts with Himself. Command one. 
No other gods before the One True God. 

God begins with the root of the issue. Idolatry 

I AM. Reminding them. 
Because we're a forgetful people. He just parted the sea. Brought water out from a rock. Manna from heaven. 

But God knows the tendency of the human heart to wander. 

An idol is anything/one that our heart wanders to. Idolatry is the pursuit of that idol. 

1. We all struggle with idolatry 
Don't worship the things that are already there. But also DO NOT make anything either. 

God wants NOTHING to compete for the spiritual attention of his people. 

Exodus 20 is the first time the bible uses these words. Idol worship. 

Israelites are in a perpetual pattern of worshipping god, turning from god, turning back. 

2. We needs to identify our idols. 
Idol: anything our heart wanders to. Idolatry. Is the pursuit of that thing. 

Idols are not bad things that enslave us without our permission that we voluntarily give ourself to. 

What's your greatest fear? 
Single hood 

You're idol is the thing you put your faith in to calm your fear that IS your idol. 

Where do you run for comfort in troubling times? 


If loneliness is my fear - friends become our idol. 

What do you complain about the most? 
Bank account 

What causes you to be angry with God? 

We get angry with God when He doesn't give us our idols. 

He refuses to fashion the golden calf 

If you could have anything what would it be? 

And have you gotten what you really wanted and had the joy ended moments after receiving it? Moments!! 

All things are good as long as it directs our heart toward God. Even a really good cup of coffee. :) 

If your fire has dwindled to embers then you have an idol. 

Idolatry keeps us from the fruit of the spirit. When the idol is in place you gravitate toward the works if the flesh. 

3. God is concerned about idolatry for a good reason. We will become like our idols. 

2 kings 17:15. 
They became the things they worshipped. 
The idols were worthless and they became worthless. 

Our lives should be built on becoming like Christ.

Psalm 56:3 

What you fear reveals what you value the most. What you fear reveals where you trust God the least 

What do you value. 

1. Family/relationships 
2. Money
3. Safety 
4. Acceptance by family, friends, outsiders 

What do you fear? 

Loss of family/relationships, acceptance, money

In order to face the what ifs of fear you must acknowledge your fear (name your idols) and choose to trust God.

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