Sunday, June 21, 2009

What Is Courage?

Courage is not the lack of fear. Courage can be summed up like this:

Feel the fear, do it anyway!

That is how my day began. Was I gonna back down or was I gonna keep going? Runner Girl Decided we'd keep going!!!!!

My day started out weird. I was in a funk, I was behind schedule. I didn't eat breakfast so I could stay somewhat on schedule and get my run in at 7:30. I change my clothes and lace up my running shoes, walking thru the house my right foot, specifically my pinky toe doesn't feel right. Try to ignore it. Fill up my water bottle, head to the treadmill. Grab my book, begin walking.

I was achey and annoyed with just right toe was givin' me fits, my left knee has a twinge of annoyance, my right hip acts like it forgot how to run. Let's not talk about the tailbone scenario, pul-ease!

IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. I call this Pushing the ignore button in my head. But then about 1/2 a mile in the key pops out of the treadmill!! GRRRRRRRRRRR.......

So I stop abrubtly, to say the least, crawl up under the treadmill to get the key, flip the fan on, pull myself up by the boot straps cuz now....I'm pissed. I turn the MPH up a few notches and get goin'! Runner Girl is gonna run. That's all there is to it!!

I ran a bit and walked a bit and ran a bit and walked a bit. I was really getting tired and all these little hurts were annoying me, so I slowed it down, put my weight vest on and walked for about a mile. I got to within a quarter mile of my goal today and said that's it!! I'm not gonna let this one little quarter mile get in my way. I stopped listening to the I'm hungry, I'm tired, I can't do this voice. I cranked the treadmill up to 5.0 and ran out the last quarter mile. VICTORY!! I DID IT!!

What an awesome feeling!! I ran my goal today, I kept going, I didn't quit. If I had quit, I would have had to listen to the runner girl in my head saying, you could have done it, you should have done it. Instead the runner girl gets to dance the happy dance!! WHOO HOOO!!

I had a plan today and despite the obstacles I achieved my goal!! It all starts with a plan.

A plan has to have what??



Wishing doesn't run miles, wishing doesn't shed pounds, wishing doesn't fit into her clothes, only working the plan!! :)

what is your plan for today and how will you achieve it?
what is your plan for the week?
What is your goal for June and how close are you to getting there?

This is a push week, a make it happen week!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

If I can do it, YOU can do it!! Today could have been a disaster, but instead I found my Happy Face, my Sweet Spot and Kept.On.Going!       

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