After mulling it over a bit, I decided I would make my email a blog entry:
"What will you do today to reach your goals? The ponderings of an injured runner"
Good Morning Sparklers!! Its Weekend Eve! We made it thru Wednesday and onto Thursday!! WHOO HOOO!!!!!!!!
What will you do today? What is the plan of action!! Action is what gets you closer to the goal!! A PLAN WITH NO ACTION IS JUST A WISH.
I'm gonna try to run again today, I'll walk definately, but I'll see if I can run today too. I know I know...don't overdo it. Just throw me a crown and call me queen!! LOL Really I won't overdo it!! :) DONE: Couldn't run but I walked 2.5 miles at an incline
Also I will swim. I will strength train...this is my new found love. I'd like to do it every day, but I know I have to give my muscles a rest. (will be done this evening)
I will continue to encourage myself. I have to keep myself going. Stay positive. Keep making good choices. Encourage others in their journey. There are enough voices holding people back and alot of times I've found there aren't many people in their circle cheering them on. (this is ongoing...never stops)
I think that is why SP works! Most people have never had an encourager, support, common goals.
I was thinking last night about my "freak" accident: I look at it as a test.
Will I or Won't I carry on with this change in my life?
Will I give in to not being able to work out as much, run as far, do the things I want to do?
Will I drive to the store and buy unclean/processed foods and gobble them down?
Its as if the inner me (the red crayon in the middle of the box that you just can't get to) is saying, lets just see what she does now. Will she carry on, will she do what she says she will do?
The answer is:
Despite of and inspite of opposition. Despite the pain. Despite the soreness. Despite the "oh I don't feeeeeeeeeeeeeellll like doing this today". Despite of the chocolate monster who lives inside of me. (i'm seriously trying to kill it off) Inspite of people who don't think I can, and probably hope I can't. pfffhhtttttt....haters....WHAT
I can do it, I will do it. WATCH ME!!!!!!!!!!
A common phrase that can be heard in my house about 'impossibilities' is: Hide and watch.
Go ahead, I dare ya, Hide and Watch.
Don't just wish for something to happen. MAKE IT HAPPEN! Only you have the power to move foward. And I promise you. YOU HAVE IT!! You came equip with everything you need, honestly you did. Maybe you haven't had the seed watered, maybe you didn't know the seed was planted, but its there...its waiting to grow and mature and succeed. Cuz that's the only thing it knows how to do.
OKAY one last thing...cuz I gotta get movin' this morning....
This saying it true: Anything you stop feeding dies!
Stop feeding yesterday, stop feeding the past, stop feeding where you're not and who you think you're not. Stop comparing yourself with others. Just stop feeding the negative monster, The "i can't do it" monster. The "I'm not worth it" monster. This "its too hard" monster. The "someday" monster.
If you stop feeding it, it will die.
I dare you!! I dare you!!
The question remains.....what will you do today to reach your goals??
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