Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The One Where I Welcome You To "Here"

The Eagles said it or better yet give the right man credit Don Henley said it: 

you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave (insert guitar solo) 

Now then, Hotel California firmly planted in your head! LOL 

I say let's change that up and say: 

Welcome to HERE! Check out of There, it IS possible. Welcome to HERE! 

now on with the blog....... 

I see it all the time. I hear it all the time. I used to think the same thing at one time. 

I want to get back to this size, this weight, this time, this blah blah blah.... 

To which I say.... really?? 

Why would you want to go back to that? Is it a warm fuzzy time period for you? Were you in your optimum health? What about that size makes you want to go back there? 

Even my oldest son said to me proudly at our last race, he's down to his high school weight. I honestly was nearly appalled. Granted he's in good shape now and I think he's in better shape than when he was in high school. 

When I was 18 I was probably about 98 pounds.....maybe 100 pounds. I was shorter than I am now, I was unhealthy and I was rail thin. I was skinny, I barely wore a size 0, but I was not healthy and I couldn't have run a mile with a gun to my head! 

Guess what peeps..... you aren't supposed to be perpetually 18! High School is over! Whatever it is in your past that you're clinging to is.over. O V E R! Over! 

There's a great quote going around FB and Pinterest that says something like, I'm not looking back because I'm not going that way. 

I'm not going that way. Not to past successes either. 

I think some people get stuck in "I did this back then" Like the uncle on Napoleon Dynamite. Always reliving 1982 football game. Guess what it's not 1982! It's not 1992! It's not 2002! It's not April 15, 2012. 

Yesterday is gone. 

Do your best today. Live for today. Start today! 

My initial goal was to get back to my pre pregnancy weight. And I did. But let me tell you; before I was pregnant with my youngest, I wore a size 10. I am right at my pre pregnancy weight, I wear a size 4. The difference is nutrition and exercise.

Go make your today the best it can be..... let go of the rope that's keeping you in the past. Do what you need to do to cross the bridge into the present. I think you'll like it here. :) 

You can't be here if you're still living there. You honestly can 'check out any time you like" Check out of there and welcome to Here. 

Welcome to Here!!

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