Open the flood gates of heaven! We say that but do we mean it? Do we know what that would look like? Or only what we want it to look like? Prosperity, Goodness, Blessing, Overflowing Cups?
Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus? Do we? As He really is and not how we perceive Him to be? Recently at the If: Gathering one of the speakers said (My BFF Jen Hatmaker): I thought I was confident in God, but I was just confident in my understanding of Him.
I would say only confident in my perception of who I want Him to be, not who He Is.
I say I want to be open. Opening my hand to the poor, the widow and the orphaned. Do I? Why are my fists clenched. It's not enough to SAY it!! I'm not talking about works here people... but again as my BFF Jen Hatmaker says: We have to stop blessing blessed people and serving the saved! WOW. That is from last years IF:Gathering and I'm still shaken by it. Imagine what might happen if I listened to this years! :)
What poor and widowed and orphaned do I know? Oh yeah, my neighbors! Across the street, next door, in my community.
Open. My eyes, my hands, my heart.....
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