So this is my first Five Minute Friday. The topic is gardens. I love gardens. I wish I could grow something, anything. Every year I think I'll have a garden. I buy all the stuff. I till, I plant, I feed, I water. Nothing.
I weed, I water, I till, I feed, I watch, I wait. Nothing.
I've said on more than one occasion that I can kill Ivy. I can and have. I've even killed cactus! Yea, I'm that girl.
My grandmother had a garden, a big garden, a garden we ate from.
My mom had a garden, a big garden, a garden we ate from.
My sister had a garden, a small garden, a garden she ate from.
I'm a Texas, a southern woman, and like Weezer says in Steele Magnolias, I grow tomatoes because its what we do! I don't make the rules! We're southern!
I've never grown a tomato. I've tried for years.
I like the thought of a garden. Of growing vegetables that I'll eat. To feed my family. I think it's a beautiful wonderful thing. This like in many areas of life, I need guidance, and by guidance I mean "a tour guide" someone to walk me through it and help me step by step.
I think there's something Edenic about gardening, it all started there in the garden. What in my minds eyes looks like a beautiful garden. Where you walk through and have plenty of fruits and vegetables to pick fresh off the plant or vine.
It leaves me wanting, that I can't grow a garden, or even a plant! Maybe this spring I'll try again. maybe I should start with one plant, or maybe flowers, instead of a a full garden!
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