My thoughts before I get into defining the words that stuck out for me today:
The only way to resist is by submitting to God. Drawing near. Humble yourself before God. Get in your appointed place, the wing, the cleft of the rock, hemmed in, in the shadow of the Almighty. Withstand, continue on safe and sound. Draw near, join together (have the mind of Christ 1 Cor 2:16) with God in your place and position, Likewise God will position Himself to you.
This is how you have "clean hands" "purified heart" This is not a work of our own but of the Holy Spirit.
Submit: hypotasso - Verb Arrange Under (yea, that's helpful) I generally defer "all things submission to Rachel Evans.
I find it interesting that in the verse prior the greek uses the word Humble: Tapeinos Adj. Lowly in Spirit
Then in verse 10 uses Humble again. But in Verse 7 "Submit yourself to God"
Root 1: hypos - by or under
Root 2: tasso - to put in order, to appoint.
Resist: anthistemi - Verb Withstand. Resist. Oppose (or benadryl, sounds like antihistamine)
Root 1: anti Over, Against, Opposite
Root 2: histemi To cause, to make to stand. To make firm, fix, established.
I like definition #3 To continue safe and sound. To stand unharmed.
For me, many times I get all heebee jeebee'd out when I read these tests… resist the devil, stand against the schemes, withstand in the evil days… I feel powerless and a little scared.
Draw Near: eggizo - Verb To bring near. To join one thing to another, to approach
Root: eggys Near of place and position.
Those who are near access to God.
Cleanse: Katharizo - Verb To make clean.
In a moral sense:
1. free from defilement
2. to purify from wickedness
3. to free from guilt of sin
All things I'm incapable of.
Purify: hagnizo Verb 1. Ceremonially. To make pure, purify, cleanse. 2. Morally
Root: hagnos adj. Definition 2. Pure:
1. Pure from carnality, chaste, modest
2. Pure from every fault, immaculate
3. Clean
All things that I am not able to do. Pure from carnality? Pure from every fault? Immaculate? Please, even my house isn't immaculate. Let alone my mind, my heart, my soul, my spiritual life.
But when I am humble, our good friend Noah describes it as:
A deep sense of unworthiness in the sight of God.
That I am, have, can be. When I'm in my appointed place, in the wing, cleft, shadow; resisting is okay, not scary. I can withstand, continue on safe and sound. Draw near, approach. It's ok because I'm clean and pure through grace. Yes I have a sin nature. I am not the sin. I mess up, every day, every hour, minute. But I know I can approach the throne of grace with confidence. (Heb 4:16) Receive wisdom without judgment. Speak life (if only for a moment), before I mess up again, starting the process all over again. And that's life. The journey. The lessons learned.
Grace and Peace to you (and me)
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