Race Day is here!! WOOT!!
I had trained hard over the past few weeks. And in fact over trained. As I type this I'm icing my left ankle. I'd run 3.1 before this would be a breeze.... but I'm ultimately preparing for the 10-miler in May and the half (my first) in June and the Capital to Coast in October.
So I'm seriously racking up the miles. Race week, not a good idea.... it is what it is.... I can use the rest!
I laid out my clothes. I made sure I had everything. I put most of my smaller items in my hat so I don't forget them. earbuds, sunglasses, fuel, gum
Soooo, as always I can't sleep through the night! I tossed and turned. I got up and down. I drank more water. I used the facilities from all the water. I finally got up about 4AM!
Saw the text from my cousin that she chickened out... BOOOO She wasn't coming with me after all. Oh well. That means I would get to the race site a little early and find out about my volunteer duties after the race.
I took a shower, got dressed and began to re-check my things.
I ate my breakfast. I drank my coffee and water, took my supplements. Made me a to-go cup. Filled my water pouch. Filled my water bottle so I'd have extra water. Checked and Re-checked my things. :)
I made a pit stop before I left and how this happened I don't know... but my sunglasses fell into the toilet. O M G! I fished them out and put them in the sink with some soap and scalding hot water. Found my back up paid and headed out. Hoping this wouldn't be an indication of how the day would go!
I drove to the race site, not in a hurry but a little anxious because they changed the parking around on us. I don't like that because now it's about a mile walk to the site and well, I'm a woman concerned about my safety quit honestly.
I made it down there, got turned around and actually saw Jerome (www.sparkpeople.com/mypage.asp?id=JM
ERLAU ) walking with David to the race site.
I found a place to park and saw some other runners.... walked to the site with a new to the DRC runner, wish I would have gotten her name, and made it to pick up my bib and my sons bib without being assaulted or abducted. Which I consider to be a miracle! (just kidding....)
I found Jerome... well he found me while trying to abduct me! LOL And my son found me as well. Jerome was talking with David and Amy and another Sparker came up as well.
My sons fiancé was there and that was a treat because she's typically not available for race day due to her work schedule.
We walked down to the start and talked for a bit. I lost Amy and Jerome somehow. :(
I lined up with my son and had every intention of running the first mile with him, but they shouted GO and he took off! to the left and I went to the right. I was stuck behind the crowd. Bummer. I weaved in and out. Trying to find a place to "pick a pace" but it was just so crowded. And I didn't see the runner girl I normally pace with.... she doesn't know it but we generally end up running "together".
All the while I'm listening to the run meter tell me the craziest thing.
Your current pace is and it would say something sub-10!! WHAAAT?? This isn't right!
But I wasn't through the first mile yet and figured this thing was wrong, I mean I was still trying to get out of the crowd.
I was running with ease. I wasn't going fast and I wasn't going slow. I wasn't struggling and I wasn't sucking air. I was OK. I felt good. Nothing hurting and just a stroll in the park.
I made it through the first water stop and got some water and walked through. Drank it, didn't gulp it. Still feeling fine, still hearing this unbelievable information in my ear about my time.
As I kept going something happened....something bad!! I couldn't hear my updates. I messed with my headphones. I looked at my iPhone in the arm band it was a blank screen. So I tried to mess with it while I ran. Get my tracking back on and get my music going again. I'm not sure why it wasn't working but it wasn't. I've messed with this thing on the run before but for whatever reason I wasn't pushing the right thing and it was about to delete my run!! OMG
Just as I got it fixed... my arm band unraveled and my phone fell to the ground with a pack of runners behind me!! OMG!! I'm scurrying to get my phone and water and get back going without injuring myself or other and protecting my phone....when I Jerome and David see me. Hollers out some harassment and we run together until the turn around for me! Jerome talked about how we never get this honor, he's normally ahead of me. But for about a quarter of a mile we ran together!! LOVED IT!!
I turned around, shook off the crazy fall situation and made it back to the water stop. I walked through the water stop and still this run meter thing was telling me was running a lot faster than I thought.
I got to the 2 mile mark and found a runner girl that was just about my speed. We paced together for a while. The weather was great. The runners were all doing great. The course is beautiful in the spring. I felt awesome! There were hills but I seriously have never run them so smoothly. It's like they didn't exist. Really.
I heard the tracker say you're at 2.39 miles. WOOT and my pace was something stupid like 9.24! really this thing HAS to be wrong!
I see the green tent just around the bend at the finish and pick up the pace a little. The lady beside me lets out a sigh and starts holding her side.... I stopped for a bit with her and told her to breathe deep and keep moving!! She was soooo close!! she could finish strong!
I ran to the finish and tried to turn the thing off so I'd have a little better accuracy.
This is to my amazement and a PR at that!
WHAAATTT??? SHUT UP!!! That can't be true!
I walked thru the water stops. I had a "fall" of sorts. I stopped with another runner.
I found Erin and we moved into a better position to see Alex finish. I looked at my splits with awe!
Mile 1:
AP: 9.57
FP: 9.16
Not EVEN!!
Mile 2:
AP: 10.47
FP: 9.00
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! I don't run 9mm??
Mile 3:
AP: 10:30
FP: 9.24
Negative split? KA-RA-ZEE!!
Mile .20:
AP: 10.25
FP: 9.26
And I stopped for 40 seconds getting my phone off the ground.
This app has "zones" so here are those stats:
Run time: .04
Distance: .03
Run Time: 9.13
Distance: .90
AP: 9.44
FP: 9.16
This is what it calls my "comfortable pace"
Run Time: 21.32
Distance: 2.04
AP: 10;34
FP: 10.00
Run Time: 1.56
Distance: .16
AP: 12.35
FP: 12.01
Run Time: .14
Distance: .02
AP: 14.42
Run Time: .20
Stopped: .40
Distance: .05
AP: 17.32
FP: 17.32
I waited for my kiddo to finish. I ran in with Jerome and David. I stayed to help clean up after the race. I ran back to my car!! WOOT! Total Milage: 4.38
Here's my kiddo:
Here's me, Jerome, David, Mimi, her hubby and another sparker:
I need to write a training blog about my runs this past week. Cuz I've been keeping a right at an 11.5 pace in training runs. Now that I found this Zone thing, I'll have to look more carefully at my "comfortable zone"!!
I have to say... I do look comfortable and wow, if I do say so myself. I LOOK GOOD!!
I had trained hard over the past few weeks. And in fact over trained. As I type this I'm icing my left ankle. I'd run 3.1 before this would be a breeze.... but I'm ultimately preparing for the 10-miler in May and the half (my first) in June and the Capital to Coast in October.
So I'm seriously racking up the miles. Race week, not a good idea.... it is what it is.... I can use the rest!
I laid out my clothes. I made sure I had everything. I put most of my smaller items in my hat so I don't forget them. earbuds, sunglasses, fuel, gum
Soooo, as always I can't sleep through the night! I tossed and turned. I got up and down. I drank more water. I used the facilities from all the water. I finally got up about 4AM!
Saw the text from my cousin that she chickened out... BOOOO She wasn't coming with me after all. Oh well. That means I would get to the race site a little early and find out about my volunteer duties after the race.
I took a shower, got dressed and began to re-check my things.
I ate my breakfast. I drank my coffee and water, took my supplements. Made me a to-go cup. Filled my water pouch. Filled my water bottle so I'd have extra water. Checked and Re-checked my things. :)
I made a pit stop before I left and how this happened I don't know... but my sunglasses fell into the toilet. O M G! I fished them out and put them in the sink with some soap and scalding hot water. Found my back up paid and headed out. Hoping this wouldn't be an indication of how the day would go!
I drove to the race site, not in a hurry but a little anxious because they changed the parking around on us. I don't like that because now it's about a mile walk to the site and well, I'm a woman concerned about my safety quit honestly.
I made it down there, got turned around and actually saw Jerome (www.sparkpeople.com/mypage.asp?id=JM
ERLAU ) walking with David to the race site.
I found a place to park and saw some other runners.... walked to the site with a new to the DRC runner, wish I would have gotten her name, and made it to pick up my bib and my sons bib without being assaulted or abducted. Which I consider to be a miracle! (just kidding....)
I found Jerome... well he found me while trying to abduct me! LOL And my son found me as well. Jerome was talking with David and Amy and another Sparker came up as well.
My sons fiancé was there and that was a treat because she's typically not available for race day due to her work schedule.
We walked down to the start and talked for a bit. I lost Amy and Jerome somehow. :(
I lined up with my son and had every intention of running the first mile with him, but they shouted GO and he took off! to the left and I went to the right. I was stuck behind the crowd. Bummer. I weaved in and out. Trying to find a place to "pick a pace" but it was just so crowded. And I didn't see the runner girl I normally pace with.... she doesn't know it but we generally end up running "together".
All the while I'm listening to the run meter tell me the craziest thing.
Your current pace is and it would say something sub-10!! WHAAAT?? This isn't right!
But I wasn't through the first mile yet and figured this thing was wrong, I mean I was still trying to get out of the crowd.
I was running with ease. I wasn't going fast and I wasn't going slow. I wasn't struggling and I wasn't sucking air. I was OK. I felt good. Nothing hurting and just a stroll in the park.
I made it through the first water stop and got some water and walked through. Drank it, didn't gulp it. Still feeling fine, still hearing this unbelievable information in my ear about my time.
As I kept going something happened....something bad!! I couldn't hear my updates. I messed with my headphones. I looked at my iPhone in the arm band it was a blank screen. So I tried to mess with it while I ran. Get my tracking back on and get my music going again. I'm not sure why it wasn't working but it wasn't. I've messed with this thing on the run before but for whatever reason I wasn't pushing the right thing and it was about to delete my run!! OMG
Just as I got it fixed... my arm band unraveled and my phone fell to the ground with a pack of runners behind me!! OMG!! I'm scurrying to get my phone and water and get back going without injuring myself or other and protecting my phone....when I Jerome and David see me. Hollers out some harassment and we run together until the turn around for me! Jerome talked about how we never get this honor, he's normally ahead of me. But for about a quarter of a mile we ran together!! LOVED IT!!
I turned around, shook off the crazy fall situation and made it back to the water stop. I walked through the water stop and still this run meter thing was telling me was running a lot faster than I thought.
I got to the 2 mile mark and found a runner girl that was just about my speed. We paced together for a while. The weather was great. The runners were all doing great. The course is beautiful in the spring. I felt awesome! There were hills but I seriously have never run them so smoothly. It's like they didn't exist. Really.
I heard the tracker say you're at 2.39 miles. WOOT and my pace was something stupid like 9.24! really this thing HAS to be wrong!
I see the green tent just around the bend at the finish and pick up the pace a little. The lady beside me lets out a sigh and starts holding her side.... I stopped for a bit with her and told her to breathe deep and keep moving!! She was soooo close!! she could finish strong!
I ran to the finish and tried to turn the thing off so I'd have a little better accuracy.
This is to my amazement and a PR at that!
WHAAATTT??? SHUT UP!!! That can't be true!
I walked thru the water stops. I had a "fall" of sorts. I stopped with another runner.
I found Erin and we moved into a better position to see Alex finish. I looked at my splits with awe!
Mile 1:
AP: 9.57
FP: 9.16
Not EVEN!!
Mile 2:
AP: 10.47
FP: 9.00
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! I don't run 9mm??
Mile 3:
AP: 10:30
FP: 9.24
Negative split? KA-RA-ZEE!!
Mile .20:
AP: 10.25
FP: 9.26
And I stopped for 40 seconds getting my phone off the ground.
This app has "zones" so here are those stats:
Run time: .04
Distance: .03
Run Time: 9.13
Distance: .90
AP: 9.44
FP: 9.16
This is what it calls my "comfortable pace"
Run Time: 21.32
Distance: 2.04
AP: 10;34
FP: 10.00
Run Time: 1.56
Distance: .16
AP: 12.35
FP: 12.01
Run Time: .14
Distance: .02
AP: 14.42
Run Time: .20
Stopped: .40
Distance: .05
AP: 17.32
FP: 17.32
I waited for my kiddo to finish. I ran in with Jerome and David. I stayed to help clean up after the race. I ran back to my car!! WOOT! Total Milage: 4.38
Here's my kiddo:
Here's me, Jerome, David, Mimi, her hubby and another sparker:
I need to write a training blog about my runs this past week. Cuz I've been keeping a right at an 11.5 pace in training runs. Now that I found this Zone thing, I'll have to look more carefully at my "comfortable zone"!!
I have to say... I do look comfortable and wow, if I do say so myself. I LOOK GOOD!!
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