Soooo.... I opted out on the Trinity Levee Bridge Run so I could do the Renegade Run:
Unscheduled, Unplanned, Unofficial, Unsupported, Unsponsored- Un-Marathon from Greenville Tx down Historic Rt 66 to Rockwall Tx
For the record State Highway 66, isn't part of US Route 66.
The race route was intimidating, considering we'd have no police support. 3 miles would be on 66 a narrow two lane blacktop mostly uphill. Some steady inclines, some just straight up! Half of the race would be on that section. I was worried about that.
Wednesday I ran 6.15 miles I ran part of it on 66, and because of the narrow road and the cars on the road I dodged a few times, I rolled my ankle... so now I was doubly worried.
I did my usual routine from then on. Hot Shower, Foam Roll, Ice every hour.
Thursday I worked out, Friday I went to the Jump Rope for Heart event at the school. I didn't jump rope too much. I was worried.
Saturday I did a lot of errands and I bought new shoes, cuz wow, I had no tread left on my shoes and I wasn't gonna be a good road runner without some tread!
I got the same shoes Brooks Ghost 4. That felt so much better. :)
Saturday I got all my stuff out, ready to go. I checked it and checked it double checked it. I added some new tunes to my iPod
Renegade in particular for the Renegade Run.
I bought all kinds of stuff Saturday Honey Stingers, Clif Gels, some electrolyte gel, I wasn't sure what all I would need. But I knew I would need water, so I got a freezable lunchbox ready to go with 2 additional waters and some fuel. Other than training runs where I can stop by my car for water and fuel, I've never run a "non-race" so I was concerned about having enough water.
I had my Vapur Water Bag that holds 24 ounces, then in my lunchbox I had two more bottles that hold 32 ounces each.
I also had gum. Which I will explain later in this blog..... Trident comes in two different "sugar types" One that I'm allergic to and one that I am not.
Saturday I got in bed early but I didn't sleep. I finally got to sleep about 11:30-ish... closer to midnight.
I woke up at 3:41. THREE FORTY ONE! I tossed and turned. I checked Facebook. I saw all my runner girls getting ready to run. I got a few text from running buddies wishing me well.
I tried to go back to sleep. Couldn't.
I got out of bed at 4, got on the Mac and though a little PC time might help me get the energy out of me so I could go back to sleep. I went back to bed.
I got up at 5, for good. I started doing housework.... folding laundry, doing dishes.
Because this race started in Greenville (the 26.2 portion) at 6AM then at 8-ish the Royse City (13.1 portion) my part wouldn't start until 9. I had four hours before my race started.
I checked all my stuff, I got dressed, I tried to eat breakfast and couldn't. I chewed gum to just keep my nerves at bay. I drank water, I drank coffee, I drank herbal tea.
And I was experiencing some not so pleasant bathroom issues. I've never had this problem before a race, but I was pretty nervous about this race so I chalked it up to nerves.
Around 6:30 I got my bag together to take to the drop off site, wanted to make sure I had my things in place just in case they got to the 10K mark early. I started texting the race directors wife about 7AM and she said they were running behind. hrmp
more bathroom issues.
I tried to eat and this time was really sick. Like I thought I was gonna throw up sick. I was getting very worried about being able to do this race. With no stops, no bathrooms, no medical aid. Just me and the road. What would I do?
They were still pretty far out and I had a long time to wait, so I would decide as it got closer.
I dropped off my lunch bag and saw some of the runners that started at 6AM at the 13.1 mark, they were all in a group and were going great! So I was encouraged. They were alone and looked good, happy, no one had hit them, there were all accounted!!
I got home, woke up my hubby cuz he was gonna drive me to the race start and follow me if he needed to, cuz he was very concerned about me running with no police support.
He was lolly-gaggin and I was about to throw up!
I checked and rechecked my stuff, got all my thing together and either in my pocket or in my car. Made a few more trips to the bathroom when it DAWNED ON ME...
It's the gum!!
I checked the package I purchased saturday - it has splenda. The previous package used xylitol! Splenda makes me sick.... very sick. The kind of sick I was beginning to experience. Glad I caught that before we headed out the door.
Seriously I didn't hit post... not sure how my blog posted!! I'm totally not done!!
I was still texting with the RD wife and she told me to meet up with Papa Turtle. :) Otherwise known as Jim. He was at the race start when I got there and I was very encouraged when he said we'd be taking a different route. A little discourage when I realized we would be shy of the 10K mark. Where we met up and where the 10K start was was about a mile difference.
We waited for others to show up and we had a pretty good group going!! The early 13.1s came by to wish us well and took our picture. The RD wife came by too to check on us. I was feeling really well.
I was running with The Turtles and I was happy about that because I don't have the "moves like becki!" HA!! I set my RunKeeper to 13.5 and would be happy if I kept that pace considering the hills.
I tried out another run app as well, tried to see if RunMeter, iPod and RunKeeper would all work together. This would be the test. The RunMeter lets people send me messages on Facebook and also emails my hubby at every mile, if I stop for more than 5 minutes, if I start up again and the like. I certainly wanted that for this run.
We headed out at 9. two by two.
A man and woman in front. (the head of the turtle)
Runner girls next (the neck)
Me and two others (the middle)
And Papa Turtle in the back (the tail)
I felt good. I was running at a good pace. We started on the incline and I just kept going. My apps were acting weird though and my music wasn't shuffling.
Hubby drove ahead and moved my refuel point since the route changed. And then caught up with me along the way. He stopped and took a few pictures and the RD had some folks following us as well taking pix and video! I'm so excited for that to be ready!
It seemed we got up to the first intersection with ease.... the lady who was running with me though was having some complications, not sure if she was overheating or what... but she asked me to take the lead, so I did. Plus I knew the route so that helped the other too.
We made the first mile and I was feeling great! Wasn't hit by any cars so far!
We made the corner at the first intersection and I was going strong! Still jacking with my apps and music though.
At least for a while it was stuck on Renegade. :)
We crossed the FM road to the next road that was under construction. We devised a plan to be able run through or around the construction if it were going on.
It wasn't so we were able to run on the incline they built up for the new road!! WOOT! It was dirt and nice to run on! By the end of the construction point we'd gone 3 miles.
And what do I see my husband with my fuel and my friend!!! Kat!! My sweet friend Kat, she came to run in with me!!
I was feeling Great!! No pain, no soreness. My shoes felt fine. Surprisingly I wasn't tired! I was over the hills... literally... and now I was on the downward stretch. I had about 2 miles to go! I refilled my water, stopped to tie my jacket around my waist and kept going!! it was so nice to run with Kat... we hadn't run together in a while.
We made the bend onto the the next street, no one in front of us, and the slower turtles were behind us. Still having technical difficulties with my apps.... the only sound I could hear was our feet on the road.... ahhhhh the sweet sound of running!
We made the next turn and we were about a quarter of a mile out. Kat was cramping up...
We walked for a bit and then started running again. We made it to the parking lot and we ran in!!! WE MADE IT!! I felt like I could fly!! I felt so good I probably could have run back!!
Hubby was there; all the other runners that had gone before me were there cheering us on!! There were lots of pictures and hugs! We got some
This was a great event with some awesome runner guys and gals. And with people who run my speed!! The Turtles!
I joined the RRC and now I'm on their Facebook Page so we can meet up for runs and go to events together! Several of them are running in the Dallas Rock N Roll!! I was already attending for my Spark Dallas Peeps to cheer them on.... now I have more people to "yell at"!
I felt great, I seriously could have run back home!! I didn't but I felt like I could.
I came home, showered, hubby rented some movies, made me some popcorn and I chilled for the rest of the day! Ahhhhhh.....
Kiddo came home from grandmas and then I went to bed early.
I DID IT!! I ran a great race with the goal of finishing. I finished. Not last either (like I thought)!
Miles: 5.15
Minutes: 63.40
AP: 12.21
Feet Climbed: 227
Calories Burned: 535
I survived!! I'm so excited!! I feel like a real runner. I feel like it's ok to start preparing for C2C, now that all the planets have aligned and I can go! :) I can run on the road and on the grass and on gravel and in dirt all in one race and do well!!
Nothing that I built up in my mind happened!! No animals chasing us, not even a close call with a car, I didn't need to fuel as often as I thought, I had enough supplies.. heck at this point I could run my own mini-race! LOL
It's not the distance I wanted to run, but that's ok. I know I can run that distance. Which means I can run farther too!!
My hubby seemed to be inspired as well.... he told me his workout days are Tuesday Thursday and Sunday. And he walked on the treadmill 30 minutes Tuesday night.
******* END RACE REPORT******
But the pride, the puffed up chest, the accomplishment lives on!!
I ran a seriously quick 3.07 yesterday!! A little sore, but I'm looking forward to another run tomorrow!
I've had multiple emails, texts and 3 phone calls in-between the first "accidental post" and now.... I really should keep y'all hanging again!! LOL
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