Monday, January 24, 2011

The One Where I Ask Have You Lost Your Trash Can (or Mind)?

I've thought alot about this subject, I've thought alot about what to title such an blogging adventure. So while I sit here with my knee propped up, with an ice pack atop it. Lets begin.

Odd title I'll admit, but where is your trash can and where was it before? Is your kitchen trash can under the sink? near the stove? Have you ever moved your trash can to a new location? Mine for instance it at the end of the island. Occassionaly I move it next to the sink depending on what I'm preparing. If I'm peeling alot of veggies, I'll move it near the sink. Or when I've been handling chicken.

Sometimes I forget and leave the trash can by the sink, then head to the end of the island and remember, oh yeah! I moved it. I don't discard the trash on the floor where the can used to be. I dispose of it in the proper place. It would certainly get messy if I did that wouldn't it? Instead of making a new habit of discarding trash in the can near the sink, if I discarded the trash onto the floor where the can used to be located?

But we're people, right, capable of learning new habits. right? So what is all this talk of trash cans and their location?

Its simple really. You can remember that you've moved the location of the trash can and dispose of trash properly. Even when you (or I) forget, you head back into the correct direction, right?

Its the same with a healthy lifestyle. You've moved the location of your today and your future. So what if occassionally you forget. Just turn back toward the new location.

I've seen so many Spark Friends become discouraged lately. Forgetting their location. I've seen so many say they don't know how to get back. But I say to that if you can remember the new location of a trash can, you can remember how to Spark!

I have to remember to count out chips and not eat out of the bag.

I have to remember to look up nutritional information before I order my food.

I have to remember when I drink enough water, I feel alot better.

I have to remember to start with the serving size. If I'm still hungry make another sensible choice.

One piece of (or even the whole bag) __________ isn't the end of my journey.

I have to remember the scale is not a reflection of who I am, but a snapshot of a location on the journey.

SparkFriends, I ask you today......where is your trash can?

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