Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The One Where I Stopped Being Scared
My first Long Run of Dallas Rock N Roll Training. It was at this stage of training 3 years ago that I fell and busted my knee. A little closer to March, but I had just run my 8 mile training run..... on the treadmill. Wow, I remember the days when I did all my training on the treadmill because I was too scared to run outside alone.
Scared to fall
Scared of animals
Scared of attackers
Scared of people
Just plain scared.
All my spark peeps had faith in me way before I did. Y'all knew all along that I had this in me! Thank you for your positive force!
Time and many more miles has changed a lot of things....
Sure I'm still scared... and yes I did fall and injure myself seriously. But I keep lacing up and heading out the door to log miles and smiles with my Sole Sisters!
If you aren't part of a running club I encourage you to be a part of
You don't have to be a mom to join, You don't even have to be a runner. There are many walkers in our group. College kids. Women with no children. We ladies from elite runners to beginners.
If you don't have a chapter where you are.... start one! That's what we did!!
The One Where I Stopped Being Scared
My first Long Run of Dallas Rock N Roll Training. It was at this stage of training 3 years ago that I fell and busted my knee. A little closer to March, but I had just run my 8 mile training run..... on the treadmill. Wow, I remember the days when I did all my training on the treadmill because I was too scared to run outside alone.
Scared to fall
Scared of animals
Scared of attackers
Scared of people
Just plain scared.
All my spark peeps had faith in me way before I did. Y'all knew all along that I had this in me! Thank you for your positive force!
Time and many more miles has changed a lot of things....
Sure I'm still scared... and yes I did fall and injure myself seriously. But I keep lacing up and heading out the door to log miles and smiles with my Sole Sisters!
If you aren't part of a running club I encourage you to be a part of
You don't have to be a mom to join, You don't even have to be a runner. There are many walkers in our group. College kids. Women with no children. We ladies from elite runners to beginners.
If you don't have a chapter where you are.... start one! That's what we did!!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
The One Where I Crush Last Years Time
Wow! WOW! WOW!
That's all I know to say.
The day started with the alarm going off at 5:50. I laid out my clothes the night before, so I was ready to roll.
I got up, got dressed, made coffee, put my contacts in. Well I put in my old pair and realized that they were indeed old and I wouldn't get another days use out of them.
Text my friends for my ETA update. Changed my contacts. I'm not the most gracious contact wearer, I drop them, blink them out of my eye while trying to get them in. I normally don't wear them for weekday runs, but on Race Day it's a must! Particularly because I'm driving!
I got my quick breakfast and coffee, laced up and was out the door.
I was picking up a Sole Sister on the way! SO Excited for her!! It was her first DRC Race!! WOOT!
We listened to 80's music on the way, I wore argyle socks to represent my age group. This was an age handicapped race, so the older people got a head start, the younger you are the later your wave started. Our age group was at 8:24
[caption id="attachment_52" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
80's all the way[/caption]
We made it to DRC we met up with some of my running buddies and my older son. We laughed, we chatted, we made future race plans.
We walked down to the start, found our age group and were ready to race! We didn't have to wait long... I think there were 1-2 waves in front of us. We laughed about the way the age groups were divided, because we had 16 year old girls and 11 year old boys in our 40 year old age group as well. Joked about how the 16 year old girls would smoke us.
[caption id="attachment_58" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
Swift Feet!! Great Running Friends![/caption]
In true Running Pfuhl fashion as we started I didn't set my Run Meter! We were about a tenth of a mile in before I realized that. Oh well, I usually run about a tenth over, so this would be a good barometer for me.
I have the run meter set to notify me of my pace every 3 minutes. The first 3 minute notification said I was running sub-10! Wow, that's kinda crazy. I didn't feel winded or like I was going too fast or that I would fade out either. I tried to slow down a bit, but keep a good pace.
I knew my Sole Sister was a little behind me and I know she doesn't run that pace, I didn't want her to fade out either.
The other Sisters I ran with are in a younger age group, kept razzing me that they wouldn't be able to overtake me.... I laughed because she's so much faster than me and I only had a 1 minute head start. Yup Yup less than a half a mile in she passed me! She's an awesome runner!
We made it to the wonky bridge.... this thing may as well be made from rope and planks..... it moves when you run on it. It's the strangest feeling. The first time I ran it I totally lost my umph and slowed down considerably. It messes me up for sure.
I ran when I could on the bridge, slowed down when I felt the Earth Move Under My Feet! I made it to the water stop and was grateful for the drink and to get my bearings from the bridge. Now it was the uphill climb to the turn around.
I'll post last years race blog too, but it is at this point that I start looking for my running buddies and my son to pass me, although they started later! 5 minutes later.
As I climbed the hill to the turn around, I saw a fellow RRC Member. I cheered for her. I saw my other Sister, running strong, we high five as she passes by. I kept looking at the shadows behind me.... Looking for my son. I made it to the turn around and he hadn't passed me yet... wondering if I'd missed him... then I saw him coming up to the turn around as I was going down hill. We smacked hands, said I'll see you at the finish!
A few other buddies passed me, running strong. Before I made it all the way down the hill to the water stop, my son passed me! WOOT! LOVE IT!! He ran a strong race!
Now back over the wonky bridge and pretty much uphill all the way back. Grrrr.... the bridge GOT ME! It was more difficult that I remembered to go up that hill after the bridge. I kept talking myself into running faster, because my average paced had slowed considerably. Although I was CRUSHING last years time.
On the slight downhill sections I'd speed up. And try to keep pace on the uphill. It's only 5 miles but it seemed like forever! I made it to mile four and was psyched to get this race done!
I sped up a bit, trying to keep my average pace to a sub-10. I saw the clubhouse and knew I was close to the end and again tried to pick up the pace more, although I had extra miles to run after the race to stay on track with RNR Half Training.
I ran to the finish, saw my friends and kicked up my pace. I saw the clock and chuckled... it's age handicap! It said 1:14 (and some change) I wasn't expecting that! LOL
Crossed the finish and stopped my Run Meter. I didn't get sub-10, but a major PR nonetheless! 50 minutes 15 seconds! WOW!! Great Race!! Great Day with Good Friends!
My Sole Sister crossed the finish, we got some water, talked to some other runners and headed out for our extra mile! :)
It's All Mental,
Moms Run This Town,
Personal Records,
Sole Sisters
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